Student Feature: Trisha Raines

I actually don’t know Trisha very well personally, but I do know that she has been a member of our community since March of 2016 and is here A LOT. I also know (from teachers) that she has a dedication to her practice that is pretty rare and she’s quite a bad-ass when she gets on her mat (so I have no doubts that she is also a bad-ass in life :). We are always happy to see her when she walks in our doors and we are lucky to have her as a TULA student.

Here’s some more about Trisha!

Hometown: Longview, Texas (a very small town in East Texas)

Sign: Virgo


Favorite Color: Black

Favorite Movie: “Rushmore” and “Steel Magnolias”

What would your last meal be? Either tacos, nachos or raw oysters. If I’m being fancy, I would go all out with a tasting menu with wine pairings at a three star Michelin restaurant.

What brought you to yoga? I’ve had two spinal surgeries and deal with chronic pain and lasting nerve damage in my limbs. I started practicing yoga seriously almost four years ago for pain management and the resulting stress associated with chronic pain. However, while I started yoga to manage pain, I’ve continued practicing for many reasons – yoga has given me confidence, strength and an outlet to challenge myself and grow.

What brought you to TULA? I really lucked out with Tula. My husband and I had just relocated to Chicago, and I was looking for a yoga studio that was near our apartment and easy to get to after work. I started taking a few classes and really liked the instructors – especially Rhiannon, Mara, Cassie and Kathryn. I tried a few other studios but kept coming back to Tula. Now, I can never move!

What is your favorite yoga pose and why? I have a few. I’m currently enjoying Pincha Mayurasana (forearm stand), which I’ve been working on for more than a year now. When I can get into the pose, it makes me feel so strong and powerful. I also think tripod headstand is just a lot of fun. Another ongoing favorite is Malasana – it’s a pose where I can close my eyes and just relax.

What are the benefits you have experienced from a regular yoga practice? The flexibility and strength I’ve gained has played a huge part in my pain management – it’s much more tolerable since I’ve added yoga to the mix. And as I mentioned above, practicing yoga has improved my confidence and pushed me to challenge myself. I never thought I could hold myself up in a headstand!


What is your least favorite pose (and why)? Dhanurasana (bow pose) and Parsva Virabhadrasana (reverse warrior). Both are just very uncomfortable to me.

What advice you would give someone just starting yoga? I’m going to paraphrase Rhiannon here: slow down and pay as much attention to the transitions between poses as you do for the final pose itself. Also, really listen and respond to the instructions from your teacher – which muscles to use, your posture, where to focus your eyes, etc. Once you really start putting those instructions into action, the quality of your practice will greatly improve.

What is your favorite after-yoga activity? During the week, I usually hang out with my husband, making dinner or catching up on a television show. After my Saturday class, I like to grab coffee and a pastry. If I can fit it in, a soak with Epsom Salt is also ideal.

List 3 fun facts we don’t know about you:

1. I’m a cinephile and love horror movies.

2. I have webbed toes!

3. I lived in D.C. for almost ten years and worked for a member of Congress. I’m proud that I helped get Obamacare passed.
